The benefits of an independent trusted advisor

In today’s fast-paced IT world, companies are often overwhelmed when looking for a solution provider. There’s a plethora of software factories that build bespoke solutions and vendors of commercial of-the-shelf products out there. Most of those solution providers will position themselves as the best option and try to close the deal, even when their solution is far from ideal. This makes it tough for an IT executive to decide which option is the best without an advisor.  

Here at Agile Architects, we are convinced that companies will benefit from a trusted advisor that removes vendor bias and brings objectivity to the proverbial table. Joining us for a quick explanation: Evert Deweer and Tom Callant, our managing partners and co-founders. 

Independence is key

Our primary focus is to provide our customers with the solution that best fits their needs. We want to give our customers an impartial, independent answer — no matter how hard the question is.  

That is why we decided from day one to be vendor and technology agnostic. We will not accept partnerships or work for commission. We would rather be lauded for our competence by our customers than gold, platinum, or diamond certified partners for a certain provider. With enough sales pitching, a salesperson can make every offering seem like a great fit, but that is not what we are interested in. 

Informed decisions 

Rather than pushing the latest trend, we want our solutions to be “fit for purpose” to our customer’s needs. We have a rigorous decision-making process to determine which technology would be the best fit.  

Besides the technology fit, we include aspects such as the completeness of its functionality, the strategic and cultural fit, the current state of the market, the pricing model and its total cost of ownership, and the often-overlooked local support and knowledge base. After all, not only your tech needs to fit. Local talent should understand and support it to make it work.  

As part of the Cronos Group, we can depend on the combined knowledge of thousands of consultants, each with their own expertise, instead of having to rely on some salesperson. That way, we can cut through the corporate mumbo-jumbo and rely on actual people, with real-life experience from multiple projects. 

Transparency throughout 

Our advisory services are not limited to our solution assessment, however. We can go further by providing a detailed roadmap for the actual implementation. We also support the selection of the right partner and closely follow up on the project’s progress. That way, you can rest assured that you will reach your objectives and focus on your core business. 

We’d love to have a chat and discuss the possibilities for your next project. We can assure you will get not only the most experienced but also the most impartial advice for your project.

Agile Architects: trusted advisors you can actually trust.  

If you agree with our vision, feel free to contact us.